What is MIS?

Management Information System is a management system that controls revenues, expenses, budgets, forecasts, and the follow-up between budget x actual, enabling the crossing of several pieces of information and the calculation of the results obtained from negotiations and products.

Why do you need MIS?

It is a system developed to solve common problems in the controlling, commercial, planning, ALM, and Product&Control areas of financial institutions, such as 

  • Management and allocation of revenues and expenses to wrong areas;
  • Difficulty in elaborating and managing budgets; 
  • High complexity to define budgets for new projects;
  • Capacity to strategically analyze the areas that generate profits and losses within the financial institution.

Benefits of MIS

Ease and agility in identifying the most profitable person or area; 

Integrates information and directly attacks the difficulty in preparing and controlling budgets or allocations of expenses and revenues; 

Receives all the institution’s expenses, such as payroll, rent, machinery, and crosses them with all the parts of the banks’ revenues (that are in SQUADRA), classifying them by cost center.